An Ocean


This draft poem was written in response to the NaPoWriMo early bird prompt for 3/31/24.

The regularity of surf, the prediction of tides.
We try to measure the unfathomable, as if
to exert control over depths we cannot plumb.

Look as the moon rises, dusting the waters
with diamonds. She rises to dance with the ocean,
a lover, or perhaps a friend with synchronized
cycles, moving in and out together,

an intimacy beyond human ken. There’s the push and
pull of remembrance, so long ago, when the earth was
young and the moon escaped its embrace. Separate/
together —a rhythm of immeasurable grace. No
Attempt to control, only to mirror and love.

Barbara Crary 3/31/24

National Poetry Month News


Hello, friends. April is National Poetry Month and I’ve revived this site and sent out a few test posts to prepare for the “onslaught” of poems I intend to write this month. I’ll be looking at a variety of prompts, but will be concentrating on those at NaPoWriMo and Miz Quickly (links to be provided when I write.) I hope to see some old friends here, and maybe some new ones too.


3-29-24 5/7/5


unfamiliar song
overheard in maple tree
strange bird summons spring


two steps forward, one step back
clouds form, but no rain

path narrows ahead
obstacle or adventure
only you can say

anger-tinged panic
scribbled papers everywhere
keys misplaced again

proof of life required
poetry beside the point
breathe in, now exhale

Barbara Crary, 3/29/24



I peer into a fun-house mirror, clouded
with emotion, as I reflect

on chapped lips, straying eyebrows,
dowager’s hump.
The doppelgänger there, the me-not-me,
a face I know, but cannot place, so

like that

pretty girl in faded Kodachrome
who never recognized her own worth.

Upon reflection, I am never present
in anything I think I see.

Barbara Crary 2/22/24

What’s What


After a long period in which I created very little, I have started writing a poem, or something poetic, every day since January 18 as part of the Stafford Challenge to write daily for a full (leap) year. To that end, I’m reactivating this old site, and we’ll see what happens going forward. I don’t intend to post every day, except during NaPoWriMo in April, but that will be a good deal more activity than this site has seen in months. Onward!

Testing 1…2…3…


I am hoping to use this site for NaPoWriMo in April, but I haven’t posted in so long that I fear I’ve forgotten everything I ever knew, which, now that I think about it, wasn’t much at all. If this works, I plan to re-introduce myself and let my audience know what I’ve been up to. It’s been a minute.